
Hydration Protocol


For optimal hydration at cellular level, it is desirable to present our cells with structured water. Unfortunately, filtered water (or even distilled water) is still chaotic or unstructured.

In the universe, in nature and in our bodies, systems only function optimally when there is structure. Chaotic water is not easily absorbed via the phosphorous sheath in the “membrane” surrounding the cells – and hence cannot support optimal hydration of the cells. Chronic low hydration contributes to the development of many diseases.

Incredible Journey of Water

Water is much more than we ever imagined. It is no longer good enough to simply filter water for drinking purposes.

Our bodies are made up of approximately 73% of water. That’s a lot! Yet, we dedicate hardly any effort towards hydration.

If you’ve had the privilege of tasting spring water directly from a spring. You would know that is tastes different and best of all … it tastes great! 

Did you know that before the spring water (from a true spring) breaks through the surface of the earth, it has undergone a tremendous journey.

It has tumbled from the sky, down mountains, has been absorbed into the earth, travelled past rocks, sand and minerals, has permeated through different temperature layers …. and…. just at the perfect moment and at 4DegC, it pushes up through the earth to form a spring.

If you take a drop of this water, freeze it and then examine under a microscope, you will find beautiful snowflake-like shapes.

Tap water has been collected in stagnant dams, forced through long straight and un-natural pipes under high pressure, pumped into reservoirs and from there to our homes.

Tap water did not go through the same vortexing and natural movements to reach maturity, it is stagnant, dead and not ideal for proper hydration.

Interestingly, the same kind of ice crystal photography, reveals a shapeless mess instead of beautiful hexagonal shapes.

Product Information

Suggested Adult water intake – minimum

  • Drink 2 glasses of water ½ hr before meals (this provides free water for digestion).

  • Have very little or no water – during and for 2hrs after meals.

  • Drink 2 glasses of water & a pinch of sea salt before going to sleep and 2-3 glasses of water upon waking.

  • Drink freely between these periods.

  • If water intake has been low (normally in the elderly), increase amount slowly until urinary excretion roughly matches intake.

Remember to drink water in the winter as this is when most people become ill.

(Suggested as per Dr Batmanghelidj – Your Body’s Many Cries for Water)

Note:  Drink the best water available or at least filter the tap water and then treat with a Tri-Vortex water disc.

Use ¼ teaspoon of unprocessed sea salt (without additives) for every liter of water you drink:

  • Use this same sea salt for cooking and on food.
  • If food already contains salt, reduce salt intake by the amount contained.
  • Do not add salt to the drinking water as the taste can be a deterrent from drinking sufficient amounts of water.

Please note: If you suffer from hypertension or are being treated for any other disease, consult your physician before starting a rigorous intake of water and salt.

The disc will improve the taste, smell and texture of wine, juices, dairy and most liquids

  • Jewellery grade stainless steel with high polish.

  • For healthy & better tasting water & drinks.

  • Treat your drinking water by placing a disk under glass or jug for approximately 3-5 minutes.

  • You can also just leave the disc permanently in your water dispenser.

  • The water disc has liquid-structuring properties.

  • Highly portable – take it with you anywhere.