
Geo Fusion Green Laser

Using Your Tri-vortex “geoFusion” Laser

The Tri-Vortex geoFusion Green Laser delivers subtle energy created by our embedded resonance technology. 

Kinesiology Session

For Enhanced EMF Protection

Trivortex Product Use

For Enhanced EMF Protection

Tri-Vortex Green Laser

For Enhanced EMF Protection

Geo Fusion Green Laser treated with Tri-Vortex Technology

This  green laser is not your standard green laser.

The Tri-Vortex treated  geoFusion Green Laser beam transfers subtle energy created by our embedded resonance technology. Many people have reported fast relief from discomfort, soreness, swelling. blood cleansing and pain.

Our special custom design allows for continuous use with no overheating and this is ideal since no chaos is transferred into the body or liquids.

Technology behind The Trivortex geoFusion Green Laser

It is common knowledge that all physical things are made up of atoms and molecules that move or vibrate (frequency), and everything vibrates at their own frequency.

Every Cell in our body is connected & vibrates at various frequencies, depending on their state of health.

Studies have concluded that low level laser therapy – 532 nm green laser (or other lasers with a different frequency) – can affect the physical properties of living cells.

Our Laser is mainly used by therapists for the following..

  • Cleansing blood of photo luminescent particles known as graphene, metals and, bots nannotech.
  • On acupuncture points.
  • On acupressure points.
  • Kinesiology – various energy clearing and on the navel for 20 minutes daily…· as it treats the blood circulating there through the body.
  • Water Structuring.
    Pain Relief.

Why a Trivortex geoFusion Green laser

Our Laser has a better design (with power regulation to prevent overheating) than most common key-ring type lasers. Heating is chaos and you don’t want chaos transferred into the body. Green was also shown to be the better all-round light colour to use for healing purposes – , In recent years lasers have been finding more applications in medicine. More and more therapists are now using Green laser therapy on their clients.

As our understanding of the body has advanced, we have learned that certain frequencies play very specific roles in growth and healing, and this is leading to a deeper appreciation of the potential of using light in medicine. For example, it was discovered in the 1970’s byFritz-Albert Popp (Popp, 1992) that DNA generates short quantized pulses of light called “biophotons,” which enable the DNA molecule to control other molecules in the cell. These pulses of light, which occur at many colors or frequencies range from the ultraviolet down through the visible. The infrared and even into the microwave spectrum, are responsible for energizing life processes and enabling the molecules in the body to do their work.

It was concluded that the DNA molecule generates a range of frequencies, and each frequency relates to a specific biological process. Ukrainian scientist Sergei Sit’ko (Sit’ko, 1993, 1994) found that in a healthy body, each frequency should be present at a certain strength, and when a certain frequency is weak, it results in illness. He found that by restoring the strength of that specific frequency, he was able to correct many illnesses. He also found that these signals are carried in the acupuncture meridian system and appear to explain one of the ways in which system acts to regulate growth and healing in the body

While much of Sit’ko’s work is related to lower frequency radiation called “microwaves,” he showed that virtually all biological molecules vibrate and have certain components which carry charge and can be manipulated by electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies. In the case of an enzyme, for example, a light signal (biophoton) of a specific frequency may serve to activate it and “turn it on.”.”

In the same way, it has been discovered that light in the middle of the visible spectrum, in the green range around 532 nm (nanometers) wavelength, has a number of specific biological effects on red blood cells, and these effects may assist the body in the Following healing process:

  • Assist in wound healing – significantly improved blood flow and circulation, especially on platelets important in wound healing, & the red blood cells that help transport oxygen. At a site of injury or bruising, for example, the ability of the body to heal will depend upon the ability of blood to flow to and from the site. The more easily the red blood cells can move into and out of zones of injury, the faster and more easily will healing occur. Other injuries, such as bone and cartilage, often heal more slowly because of poor blood circulation in the area. Such injuries are often associated with chronic pain,
  • Healthier red blood cells – Red blood cells are healthier and stronger after green light irradiation as it appears to strengthen the membrane of the red blood cells, thereby increasing the red cell functionality means that the red blood cells can more efficiently carry out their tasks

Tri-Vortex Treated Laser

The treated laser creates coherence and has been shown to work over many years. Apart from the healing benefits from just using a green laser, you will receive the added benefit of the Tri-Vortex treated laser.

Tri-Vortex has been working with the scientific and healing properties of light, sound and geometry since 1989. Our deep commitment lies in finding ways to provide the world with alternative, non-pollutant and sustainable healthcare options. The research has lead to astounding findings and have major applications in the areas of proper cellular hydration, natural pain relief, improved health in humans and animals. These applications are not only green and Eco-friendly, but have benefited many thousands of people and animals. The Tri-Vortex products change the molecular structure of liquids from chaotic and disorganized, to structured and flowing. By a Process of Bio-Mimicry (copying geometry in nature), our Proprietary Equipment Imparts Natural Resonances Into Products And Materials.

Using Tri-Vortex Lasers correctly can create:

  • Cellular Cohesion – With benefits as described above
  • A more balanced energy state in the body
  • Reduction in levels of pain

Geo Fusion Green Laser treated with Tri-Vortex Technology

This  green laser is not your standard green laser.

The Tri-Vortex treated  geoFusion Green Laser beam transfers subtle energy created by our embedded resonance technology. Many people have reported fast relief from discomfort, soreness, swelling. blood cleansing and pain.

Our special custom design allows for continuous use with no overheating and this is ideal since no chaos is transferred into the body or liquids.

Technology behind The Trivortex geoFusion Green Laser

It is common knowledge that all physical things are made up of atoms and molecules that move or vibrate (frequency), and everything vibrates at their own frequency.

Every Cell in our body is connected & vibrates at various frequencies, depending on their state of health.

Studies have concluded that low level laser therapy – 532 nm green laser (or other lasers with a different frequency) – can affect the physical properties of living cells.

Our Laser is mainly used by therapists for the following..

  • Cleansing blood of photo luminescent particles known as graphene, metals and, bots nannotech.
  • On acupuncture points.

  • On acupressure points.

  • Kinesiology – various energy clearing and on the navel for 20 minutes daily…· as it treats the blood circulating there through the body.

  • Water Structuring.
  • Pain Relief.

Why a Trivortex geoFusion Green laser

Our Laser has a better design (with power regulation to prevent overheating) than most common key-ring type lasers. Heating is chaos and you don’t want chaos transferred into the body. Green was also shown to be the better all-round light colour to use for healing purposes – , In recent years lasers have been finding more applications in medicine. More and more therapists are now using Green laser therapy on their clients.

As our understanding of the body has advanced, we have learned that certain frequencies play very specific roles in growth and healing, and this is leading to a deeper appreciation of the potential of using light in medicine. For example, it was discovered in the 1970’s byFritz-Albert Popp (Popp, 1992) that DNA generates short quantized pulses of light called “biophotons,” which enable the DNA molecule to control other molecules in the cell. These pulses of light, which occur at many colors or frequencies range from the ultraviolet down through the visible. The infrared and even into the microwave spectrum, are responsible for energizing life processes and enabling the molecules in the body to do their work.

It was concluded that the DNA molecule generates a range of frequencies, and each frequency relates to a specific biological process. Ukrainian scientist Sergei Sit’ko (Sit’ko, 1993, 1994) found that in a healthy body, each frequency should be present at a certain strength, and when a certain frequency is weak, it results in illness. He found that by restoring the strength of that specific frequency, he was able to correct many illnesses. He also found that these signals are carried in the acupuncture meridian system and appear to explain one of the ways in which system acts to regulate growth and healing in the body

While much of Sit’ko’s work is related to lower frequency radiation called “microwaves,” he showed that virtually all biological molecules vibrate and have certain components which carry charge and can be manipulated by electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies. In the case of an enzyme, for example, a light signal (biophoton) of a specific frequency may serve to activate it and “turn it on.”.”

In the same way, it has been discovered that light in the middle of the visible spectrum, in the green range around 532 nm (nanometers) wavelength, has a number of specific biological effects on red blood cells, and these effects may assist the body in the Following healing process:

  • Assist in wound healing – significantly improved blood flow and circulation, especially on platelets important in wound healing, & the red blood cells that help transport oxygen. At a site of injury or bruising, for example, the ability of the body to heal will depend upon the ability of blood to flow to and from the site. The more easily the red blood cells can move into and out of zones of injury, the faster and more easily will healing occur. Other injuries, such as bone and cartilage, often heal more slowly because of poor blood circulation in the area. Such injuries are often associated with chronic pain,

  • Healthier red blood cells – Red blood cells are healthier and stronger after green light irradiation as it appears to strengthen the membrane of the red blood cells, thereby increasing the red cell functionality means that the red blood cells can more efficiently carry out their tasks

Tri-Vortex Treated Laser

The treated laser creates coherence and has been shown to work over many years. Apart from the healing benefits from just using a green laser, you will receive the added benefit of the Tri-Vortex treated laser.

Tri-Vortex has been working with the scientific and healing properties of light, sound and geometry since 1989. Our deep commitment lies in finding ways to provide the world with alternative, non-pollutant and sustainable healthcare options. The research has lead to astounding findings and have major applications in the areas of proper cellular hydration, natural pain relief, improved health in humans and animals. These applications are not only green and Eco-friendly, but have benefited many thousands of people and animals. The Tri-Vortex products change the molecular structure of liquids from chaotic and disorganized, to structured and flowing. By a Process of Bio-Mimicry (copying geometry in nature), our Proprietary Equipment Imparts Natural Resonances Into Products And Materials.

Using Tri-Vortex Lasers correctly can create:

  • Cellular Cohesion – With benefits as described above

  • A more balanced energy state in the body

  • Reduction in levels of pain

The Tri-Vortex treated geoFusion Laser can safely be used for periods of up to 2 hours at a time.

The closer the Laser is to the skin the better the results. Use non-PVC film to cover the front of the Laser if you need to work on septic/open/burn wounds.

WARNING: Do not shine directly into the EYES or directly over the Thyroid.

Direct at the location of pain for approximately 2 minutes

Target pain using meridian lines (start and end of meridian)

Repeat a few times a day if required.

  • Cold sores
  • Acne, etc.

To clear the home

To clear the clinic between clients

Clearing clients:

  • Over the Stomach/Navel area
  • At the back of the neck
  • Across the whole Aura

Use (instead of needles) on acupuncture points as a non-invasive but highly effective way to stimulate acupoints.

  • Aura
  • Chakras
  • Dantiens
  • Extra Vessels
  • Meridians & Alarm Points, etc

Product Information

Getting the being to the place where healing can take place, (when it is totally relaxed and at peace), by using the laser for a few minutes over each adrenal gland.

Eg. Detoxification – directly on liver, kidneys

Indigestion – stomach, colon, etc.

Lymphatic system – Use over lymph nodes.

Dr Sheldon Deal’s research proved that you can seal mercury/amalgam fillings and stop them from vapoursing for 28 days. Shine the laser on each filling for about 1 minute. Be careful not to look at the fillings as the reflection from the laser light off the shiny surface of the filling (or from a mirror) can damage your eyes. Aim at the filling, look away and then switch on the  laser.

Alters the molecular structure of food, drinks, supplements etc. to make them more easily absorbable. 

Around the bone of the eye socket, but NOT INTO THE EYES.

Treat your drinking water or liquids by shining the laser into the liquid for about 1 minute – from top of container onto the surface of the liquid it greatly enhances the quality and taste of the liquid.

For every laser purchase

Get 2 water discs free!

2 free water disc valued at $249 with every laser purchase. Discs are 30mm & 40mm.