Treat your drinking water by placing a disc under glass or jug for approximately 3-5 minutes.
You can also just leave the disc permanently in your water dispenser.
The Water disc will improve the taste, smell and texture of wine, juices, dairy and most liquids
Re-hydrate protocol:
Daily recommended quantity – 1.5 liters of water per 50 kg body weight – per day (minimum)
Suggested Adult water intake – minimum :
- Drink 2 glasses of water ½ hr before meals (this provides free water for digestion).
- Have very little or no water – during and for 2hrs after meals.
- Drink 2 glasses of water & a pinch of sea salt before going to sleep and 2-3 glasses of water upon waking
- Drink freely between these periods.
- If water intake has been low (normally in the elderly), increase amount slowly until urinary excretion roughly matches intake.
- Remember to drink water in the winter as this is when most people become ill.
Suggested as per Dr Batmanghelidj – Your Body’s Many Cries for Water
Note : Drink the best water available or at least filter the tap water and then treat with a Tri-Vortex water disc
Use ¼ teaspoon of unprocessed sea salt (without additives),
for every liter of water you drink
- Use this same sea salt for cooking and on food.
- If food already contains salt, reduce salt intake by the amount contained.
- Do not add salt to the drinking water as the taste can be a deterrent from drinking sufficient amounts of water.
Please note: If you suffer from hypertension or are being treated for any other disease, consult your physician before starting a rigorous intake of water and salt.