
Pain Relief


When the molecules in your cells are in a chaotic state, you experience fatigue, low energy, soreness and most of all pain.

When the molecules in your cells are in an ordered and coherent state, you have more energy, vitality, and very little pain.

By wearing the Tri-Vortex pendants and bracelets or using our geoFusion Green Laser, you create coherence at a cellular level with the benefits as described and as claimed in many testimonials.

GeoFusion Green Light Laser for Pain

Direct at the location of pain for approximately 2 minutes

Target pain using meridian lines (start and end of meridian)

Repeat a few times a day or as required.

  • Cold sores
  • Acne, etc.

To clear the home

To clear the clinic between clients

Clearing clients:

  • Over the Stomach/Navel area
  • At the back of the neck
  • Across the whole Aura

Use (instead of needles) on acupuncture points as a non-invasive but highly effective way to stimulate acupoints.

  • Aura
  • Chakras
  • Dantiens
  • Extra Vessels
  • Meridians & Alarm Points, etc

Product Information

Healing can take place by using the laser for a few minutes over each adrenal gland.

Detoxification – directly on liver, kidneys

Indigestion – stomach, colon, etc.

Lymphatic system – Use over lymph nodes.

Dr Sheldon Deal’s research proved that you can seal mercury/amalgam fillings and stop them from vapoursing for 28 days.

Shine the laser on each filling for about 1 minute. Be careful not to look at the fillings as the reflection from the laser light off the shiny surface of the filling (or from a mirror) can damage your eyes.

Aim at the filling, look away and then switch on the laser.

Alters the molecular structure of food, drinks, supplements etc to make them more easily absorbable.

Around the bone of the eye socket, but NOT INTO THE EYES.

Treat your drinking water or liquids by shining the laser into the liquid for about 1 minute – from top of container onto the surface of the liquid. It will greatly enhance the quality and taste of the liquid.

Pain Control With Tri-Vortex Water Discs & Wearables

Correct Hydration is the foundation to all good health and pain reduction.  Using a Tri-Vortex water disc will help achieve that goal.

Place or tape your Trivortex water disc or wearable to the pain affected area on your body or on your pet. Leave for as long as required however it is recommended to use for approximately only 12 hours at a time.


What our customers have to say about how Tri-Vortex relieved their pain.

Dr Lynda M Martin (D Hom)

Well, let me tell you what happened next. I stuck the disc with a little strip plaster onto my left knee, which was particularly painful after standing in the shop all day.

Now the loo (believe me this is relevant) is situated down a flight of steps in our shopping centre, and I always walked sideways crab-style down the steps as it was always painful bending my knees to go forwards. Anyway, after half-an-hour of wearing the disc, I needed to go to the loo. It was a particularly busy day and I had lots of distractions. So, I ran down to the loo with some urgency.

Yes, you read right. Without even thinking about it, I literally ran down the steps. When I realised what had happened, I also realised that my pain had lessened considerably!

Estelle, Port Shepstone

I started wearing my pendant and treating my water with a Tri-Vortex water disc. It is imperative to drink sufficient water and supplement the body’s mineral levels, exercise and eat a balanced diet.

My first awareness of the effect of the pendant was that I felt like a whirlwind of energy. I was focused and felt positive. People remarked that I glowed, and I noticed that my “spare tyre” was beginning to deflate.

When I went back for the follow-up SCIO-scanning, Hilda said my thyroid was clear……and that without any medication whatsoever.

I believe that Tri-Vortex was instrumental in achieving that.

Bev Pape, Johannesburg

It is with great delight that I write this testimonial for the Tri-Vortex disc.

As a cyclist I have participated in the Argus cycling race a few times, but this year I tried something different. I was introduced to the Tri-Vortex disc and I thought I would wear it during the Argus cycle race this year.

Well, I was really surprised that I did my best time ever and that my knees had almost no pain afterwards (normally they are very sore after such a long race). From an athlete’s perspective, the effects of the Tri-Vortex discs are very beneficial, and I am now convinced that this is a magnificent product – If this product is marketed correctly, every athlete will have one – I am convinced of that.