

Natural Healthcare

Tri-Vortex can add value in these 3 areas.
  • Hydration

  • Pain relief

  • Blood Cleansing
  • Vitality

The Magic Of Water & Health

Your Health, Energy & Vitality is as pure as the WATER you drink
  • Good water is Vital to Good Health

  • Water has magical Curative properties

  • Water has a Life Giving Effect

  • Water is the Primary Source of Energy


We strive to provide part of the solution to facilitate natural farming and more wholesome food production
  • Vitalising of Seeds

  • Improved Irrigation

  • Better Propagation

  • Increased production and Yields

  • Healthier foods

  • Longer Shelf Life

Animal Husbandry

Using Tri-Vortex to :
  • Improve Hydration

  • Support the Animal

  • Improve Milk Production

  • Improve Health

  • Improve Performance

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bath with my Vitality pendant or Bracelet?

Yes you can. it will be OK to bath and shower with any item excluding the geoFusion Green Laser. Water at 50deg Celsius may reduce lifespan of the product.


What happens if a Water Disc accidently ended up in the washing machine?

Should be ok if the Water Disc was in a pocket of clothing. If it was loose inside, the vibration against the drum can create a destructive vibration when the drum spins at high speeds and may reduce the lifespan.


What is the Tri-Vortex Application/Technology ?

Tri-Vortex is an astounding and advanced sound application that is used to treat products made of almost any material. The treatment process creates a resonance or subtle vibration in the materials, which is proven to have many beneficial effects in people, animals & plants.

We have amazing successes in a number of important areas pertaining to the well-being of people.

Tri-Votex items have been treated in a unique Tri-Vortex chamber for over 24 Hours. The treatment process is totally safe – mimicking nature’s powerful & logical Rhythms.


How do you benefit from the Tri-Vortex Products?

Using Tri-Vortex Products can create :

  • Cellular Cohesion.
  • Reduction of acidity.
  • Improved Cellular oxygen concentration.
  • Achieve greater energy balance.
  • Improves water for better Hydration – a critical component in health & healing.
  • Protection against harmful electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF).


How long is a Tri-Vortex treated product effective for?

Most Tri-Vortex treated products can have a lifespan of up to 20 years. Cell phone disc’s are only effective for about 9 months.


Why is stainless steel used?

It does not tarnish like other metals. It is also easiest to wash and cleaned for continued use.


What happens if I drop a Tri-Vortex Product?

Nothing will happen to the properties of the treated products when it’s dropped. it will not work if its melted or something is welded or soldered on to it as excessive heat will change the treatment properties.

If a geoFusion Laser is dropped you may crack the lens causing a split beam.


What can I do if I feel my Tri-Vortex product isn’t working anymore.

You can send your Tri-Vortex product back to us and we will re treat your product for you free of charge.

You will need to include a self addressed and prepaid envelope in your package so we can return it to you.


What can I do if I drop my Tri-Vortex geoFusion Green Laser or it stops working?

You can send your Tri-Vortex Green Laser back to us and we will attempt to repair it for you free of charge.

You will need to include a self addressed and prepaid envelope in your package so we can return it to you.

If we can not repair your laser we will discount a new one for you.


Are the effects of using the Tri-Vortex treated products long lasting? Or do they merely relieve symptoms temporarily?

The Tri-Vortex™ treated Disc is no different to any other form of medication or treatment, in the sense that it is never the medication or the treatment alone that will bring about the desired result or even eliminate the cause of the disorder. Healing must always be considered from a holistic point of view and the Tri-Vortex treated Disc represents only part of a much bigger healing picture – body, mind and spirit. True healing will only come about when people are prepared to make the personal shifts and changes that are required e.g. hydration, diet, exercise, mind-set, habits, prayer & faith, self-love, natural medication, etc.


Is there a limit to the volume of water to be treated per disc?

45mm Disc can treat containers up to 25l.

For larger volumes use bigger discs and more than one depending on application and size.


Does cold effect the disc (inside a fridge)?

To Store in a fridge at 3 to 8 degrees ok.. Deepfreeze might be too harsh.


Will it be beneficial to add more than one Water Disc to my water container?

Once the Water is structured, it is Structured. You won’t get more benefit unless it is a larger volume than 25 liters of water. Larger and more water discs will treat water  quicker.


How much water should I drink

Daily recommended quantity – 1.5 liters of water per 50 kg body weight – per day (minimum)

Suggested Adult water intake – minimum: Drink 2 glasses of water ½ hr before meals (this provides free water for digestion).

Have very little or no water – during and for 2hrs after meals.

Drink 2 glasses of water & a pinch of sea salt before going to sleep and 2-3 glasses of water upon waking

Drink freely between these periods.

If water intake has been low (normally in the elderly), increase amount slowly until urinary excretion roughly matches intake.

Remember to drink water in the winter as this is when most people become ill.

(Suggested as per Dr Batmanghelidj – Your Body’s Many Cries for Water).


Is it possible to get heartburn from using our products?

Anything is possible, but very unlikely to get heartburn. In fact, many people have said it helps for heartburn and gastric reflux. Anybody experiencing heartburn is most likely dehydrated and more good quality structured water is required.


Can drinking structured water cause Nausea?

Nausea could be similar to a healing crisis where the body wants to purge toxins. Some urinate, some sweat and some vomit to get rid of toxins. So if uncomfortable, then a gradual approach is needed.(Refer to healing Crisis).


Increasing of pain?

When meridians are blocked energy and blood flow is affected. It could be that the Inflammation has spread as a result of better energy flow and some of the toxins could have moved. The purpose of hydration is to get rid of toxins so please keep drinking structured water.


Can a healing crisis occur?

Yes, indeed a healing crisis can occur. This does not mean that the Tri-Vortex product does not agree with you, merely that things have changed and that your body is responding in an effort to correct a sub optimal environment.

If the side effects are not comfortable please take off the disc and use again a day or 2 later. Keep trying until you can wear it all the time without irritation.


What is Cellular Coherance?

One of the most fundamental properties of life is the coherent behaviour of cells both in the cell as a unit (called a dipole) and the organized boundary between cells.

A Coherent cell is more structured as a water molecule when subjected to a disk. One can feel the effect or experience the effects, rather than taste or see or test the effect in water.

Proteins, surrounding water which becomes highly polarised and ions are involved and act as one entity. Eventually the whole cell becomes a giant dipole (Unit acting as a whole)

This may also occur at places where two such ordered states with opposite orientation meet and form an ordered boundary with many molecules acting in a concerted and coherent way (without losses)


Why do I have more energy when using Tri-Vortex products?

When you experience all the things we say the products can do, then these are typical outcomes as many many other people have testified over many years.

Improved oxygen concentration at cell level.

Reduction of acidity.

Improved energy flow in meridians.

Cellular coherence and resonance = better functioning.

So, typically you are performing at a more optimal level. A better you, 


Dr Heidi Van Loggenberg

“Before I fell pregnant, I wore a Tri-vortex disk for various aches and pains, and experienced great relief. So when I fell pregnant, and could not take conventional pain killers, I thought would try the Tri-vortex disks again.

In my 7th month of pregnancy, I experienced acute back ache in vertebrae L4 and L5, which radiated down the right-hand side of my leg. I wore a disk  continuously to relieve the pain. Although the pain never went away completely, it was drastically reduced. If I took the disk off, the pain returned to its normal strength.

One morning, I experienced pain in my psoas muscle – in my front left inguinal area- so I decided to put the disk over the pain. In addition to the pain being relieved, a strange thing happened: the baby, who had been lying on the right hand side of my uterus with her head down, turned towards the disk after 10 mins, and lay on the left side of my uterus – the ideal position for natural delivery. I was curious and so tried wearing the Tri-vortex disk in the same place on 5-6 separate times thereafter (each time, my baby was lying on my right to start with). Each time I wore the disk in this place, she changed position and moved her head towards the disk.

I do not know how this works, and am curious to know if other mothers-to-be would experience the same effect from wearing the Tri-vortex disk in this position. Could babies in a breech position, for instance, be encouraged to move into the ideal position for birth in this same way??”

Dr Lynda Martin

I have a little professional health shop-come-practice in Clarens and am writing this to share some truly wonderful information that came my way in October 2003.

For many years I have suffered with a very painful limp. My left foot became deformed after an accident and my knees suffer crippling osteo-arthritis from old injuries. After my double arthroscopy in ’95, I still relied on natural anti-inflammatories (Glucosamine, Chondroitin and others) to keep me pain-free. These usually worked pretty well, but if I missed a day, boy did I suffer!

Fortunately, a gentleman by the name of Anton Ungerer wandered into my shop in October 2003, and we got chatting about all sorts of things. He was on holiday with his family. The conversation wandered on to the importance of (quality) hydration and pain relief. He popped out to fetch something from his boot, and produced a rather ordinary looking thin stainless steel disc (called at Tri-Vortex disc) 45mm in diameter and proceeded to explain its properties.

Now, I’m pretty skeptical about ‘new-fangled’ contrivances, but something made me say to him, “OK, I’ll buy a disc, but I’m not going to sell it or even talk to anybody about it before I am completely satisfied that it works, and mine’s a pretty tough case.”

Well, let me tell you what happened next. I stuck the disc with a little strip plaster onto my left knee, which was particularly painful after standing in the shop all day. Now the loo (believe me this is relevant) is situated down a flight of steps in our shopping centre, and I always walked sideways crab-style down the steps as it was always painful bending my knees to go forwards. Anyway, after half-an-hour of wearing the disc, I needed to go to the loo. It was a particularly busy day and I had lots of distractions. So, I ran down to the loo with some urgency. Yes, you read right. Without even thinking about it, I literally ran down the steps. When I realized what had happened I also realized that my pain had lessened considerably! I also remembered Anton’s advice on drinking water, and this is highly relevant to my story.

I have been telling people for years about the necessity of drinking plenty of water, but tended not to heed my own advice as much as I should, as I am not a thirsty person by nature. I have to discipline myself to drink water. As you have read in the technological section about the Tri-Vortex disc, the impregnated energies magnify and duplicate the element of oxygen by up to 140%. Now, as water contains two parts oxygen to one part hydrogen, any increase in water intake will enhance the efficacy of the disc.

That evening on returning home I discovered my cat had been badly injured by a dog. His heel had been bitten right through and was swollen to twice its normal size. He was completely immobilized. I applied some balm to the wound and cuddled him in my lap with the disc tucked under his heel for about an hour or so. I left him on the couch and went to bed. The next morning I couldn’t find him and feared the worst. I ran my bath water and as I stepped into the bath, he came bouncing in and jumped up onto the ledge, as is his usual habit. The swelling had gone down completely and he was back to his normal self!

My brother-in-law is an even bigger skeptic than I am. He injured his knee while doing some DIY around the house and reluctantly agreed to try the disc, pooh-poohing it totally. He ‘phoned me, cap in hand, and said, “It galls me to admit this and took some effort to ‘phone you, but I have to tell you that the thing worked, and the pain has gone.” Goes to show, that even if you don’t believe it works, it does!

Back to my own story, I decided to experiment with my Glucosamine capsules and for the first week I reduced my dosage from two to one capsule per day, while wearing the disc. I didn’t notice any difference. I then decided to stop the capsules altogether, and still no difference. In other words, from the moment I started wearing the disc to now, I have been pain-free. OK, I have experienced the odd ache when I have extended myself, but pain, no.

As I gained confidence from my own and family’s experiences, I found quite quickly that I could sell the disc to patients and customers and, also quite quickly, found people interested in becoming agents under me. The word is gradually spreading and I am getting more and more repeat orders as their family members and friends “can’t do without one”.

420 Medicine Man

I used a Green Diode Laser with 4D Sacred Geometry Audio Frequency programed into it, so it’s sacred geometry shapes in sequential time and space, to get rid of those nasty white actuators, that the global PREDATORS have been killing people with.

It’s called photolysis. 🙂 It took 2 weeks, did it for an extra week just in case so 3 weeks. 20 minutes 2 times per day over my whole body, more so over the actuator clots. I felt it break apart, dissolve and I could smell it coming out in my urine, didn’t smell very good, I still don’t have a descriptive word for the smell.

Also, I was heavy metal chelating the whole time, Fluvic acid, Millennial Vit C, NAC, Glutathione, prescribed Cannabis medicine and Ginger lemon peel rooibos tea helped immensely. A decent diet.


I wanted to give you a comprehensive update re the green laser and put together a few pics. 

As you may recall I have not had any vaxxes in my entire life BUT, I did have 10 hrs of dental work over 3 appointments in the last 2 years and got a huge dose of contamination – worse than getting the covid jabs actually, as the technology in the dental anaesthetics is way more advanced and much more harmful than in the jabs. 

Dr David Nixon has written about both on his substack and webpage 

I used the Trivortex green laser for 30 minutes a day for 6 days. 

I did a live blood check on 6.6.24 prior to using the laser. I had a huge amount of hydrogel, graphene fibres and luminescent moving particles in my blood, parasites, dense fibrin matting, and badly damaged red blood cells. I have been trying to remove these contaminants using many different protocols for 5 months with mixed success. I feel I can get my blood relatively clean, then in a week or two it all comes back – perhaps coming out of the organs or fat cells where it has been stored. 

On days 1,2,3 and 4, I ran the Trivortex green laser all over my face, head and body – including my arms, legs, feet and back. On days 5 and 6 I simply held it on my wrist above the artery. 

I did a live blood check again on 12.6.24. There was a significant improvement in my blood. There were no hydrogels or graphene fibres and all the luminescent moving particles in my blood had stopped in their tracks. I could still see them but they seemed inactive. 

The blood plasma was much clearer and more of the red blood cells were nicely shaped and moving freely, though I still had significant coagulation in some parts. I had some areas of the blood that were clear of fibrin, and in general it seemed to be less dense and starting to clear – but still significant. 

I decided to stop the laser for a week and monitor my blood to see if the improvement would hold for a while or not.  

I did another live blood check on 17.6.24 and the improvement had held and my blood was getting slightly better still. 
