Hi Folks
I thought I would email our Trivortex community with some incredibly exciting updates. We have recently discovered that our geoFusion green laser appears to have an incredible use in the combat of human vaccine damage and that our Trivortex chamber appears to make dental anaesthetics safer to use.
We at Trivortex didn’t know about these two novel uses for the Trivortex technology until we were made aware by our friend 420MedicineMan on Substack. His article, detailing how he cleaned himself from nanotech programming injected while he was serving in the Australian military, got the attention of an outstanding microscopist on the NSW North Coast – let’s just call her Sparklez.
Sparklez was researching ways to deactivate the self-assembling technology she was finding in the blood of both vaccinated people and those who had received a dental anaesthetic since 2019 – the time around which it appears dental anaesthetics changed formula and became universally contaminated (yes, across the whole world, as far as we can ascertain).
That led her to MedicineMan’s Substack https://420medicineman.substack.com/ which specifically mentioned the Trivortex technology and soon Sparklez was on the phone to us, seeing if we wanted to participate in a small research project to test the geoFusion green laser on herself.
Sparklez shares what happened next.
The early results were surprising. I found that after just 20 mins using the green laser on the radial artery in my wrist (where you normally take your pulse), clumped blood and blood with dense rouleaux separated into normal free flowing red blood cells, and had a healthy vibrancy. Also, the self-assembling rapidly moving ‘particles/bots’ seemed to lose their sense of direction and ability to self-assemble, simply jiggling around as if they were ‘punch-drunk’.
This is where I put the laser, directly ON the skin.
This was evidenced by live blood checks immediately before and immediately after using the green laser.
After 6 days using the laser for 20 mins a day, the ‘bots’ were still present, but completely inactive. They were just sitting still and shining brightly, in the plasma. Interesting, hey?
In two more days, my body’s own elimination processes had removed them from the plasma. They were totally gone. I was able to film a white blood cell enveloping a ‘bot’ and trapping it within its cell wall. (And no, they are not normal chylomicrons, which look a bit similar but are very different.)
I was puzzled and somewhat sceptical about the disappearance of these bright, moving, self-assembling particles which were previously plentiful in my blood – and definitely wanted to keep testing with other people to see if it was repeatable.
For an in-depth explanation of the contamination being found in both COVID-19 vaccines and in dental anaesthetics, I encourage you to look at the amazing research of Dr David Nixon.
NOTE: You can follow Dr Nixon’s work via his Substack and web page
You will learn how these particles and structures in the vaccines and dental anaesthetics are photo-luminescent and seem pre-programmed to make fibres, filaments, cables, chips, liquid crystals, antennas, plates and other structures – perhaps as part of the transhuman agenda currently at play – as we become the ‘Internet of Bodies’ or the ‘Internet of Bio-Nano-Things’. Who knows?
I had already found with the right detox protocols, people were able to clean their blood of most contaminants like parasites, hydrogels, graphene oxide, and heavy metals but the self-assembling particles persisted in everyone.
So far 8 friends have volunteered to try the geoFusion green laser protocol and the results I have had on my own blood have been replicated in each person.
But it is still very early days and completely experimental and until I know more and have more longer-term results, I am not recommending it to others.
Also, the results are not permanent. I enjoyed 6 weeks of being ‘nanobot’ free, but in the 7th week, they started coming back.
Clearly, the environmental contamination in our air, from all the chemtrail spraying, the water, the food, the shedding from vaxxed people, from dental anaesthetics, and from most pharmaceutical drugs and many supplements, means we are being constantly exposed to this nanotechnology as well as many chemical and metallic poisons, every single day.
There will be no escaping it, it seems. It will affect and infect everybody in the end. If more test results confirm it is effective, the geoFusion green laser may need to be a regular detox tool, being used one week in every 6, or maybe just for a few minutes each day. I am not yet sure and will continue testing and keep reporting back to the Trivortex crew.
Personally, for me, I will continue using it regularly as I see positive results in my live blood checks and can monitor my blood weekly for any changes.
Meanwhile, I had a brainwave, thinking that maybe we could somehow use the Trivortex technology on dental anaesthetics to find a way to avoid direct injection of these latest poisons or to make them less toxic.
I did some early experiments with a local highly skilled and very awake dentist and the results were encouraging enough to take it further. Rob can explain where that has gone!
Treatment Of Dental Anaesthetics
Over the last three months we have also been testing and treating dental anaesthetics to see how effective our Trivortex Chamber is at removing the photo-luminescent particles (graphene, metals, unknown chemicals, nanotech etc).
Vials of anaesthetic were treated in our chamber for 24 hours then given to four independent kinesiologists along with untreated vials for blind testing.
Two of the kinesiologists are from Perth, one from Melbourne and the other from Brisbane – so spread across Australia. All four kinesiologists deemed the Trivortex treated anaesthetic vials as safe to use and the untreated vials as unsafe.
We have also had two dentists trial the treated anaesthetic and both reported back that they only needed to use around a quarter of what they would normally use to numb a person.
Extractions were done with minimal anaesthetic and with the patient holding a Trivortex NutraVial with anaesthetic inside the cylinder and held on their navel.
Fillings were done just using the NutraVial on the navel. Some fillings were successfully done with the patient holding a Trivortex treated anaesthetic vial in each hand.
The Trivortex chamber-treated anaesthetics still exhibited bizarre nanotech activity but somewhat less so than the untreated ones and the kinesiology testing certainly supported their use over untreated anaesthetic for 9 of the 10 people tested.
Exciting New Product – NutraVial
The Trivortex NutraVial is our latest product designed for you to test before you ingest. Every molecule has a resonance which the NutraVial amplifies so that a Sympathetic Vibration Process allows you to wear your prescribed drugs, supplements, foods, etc on your body and gauge your system’s reaction.
The NutraVial is also excellent for working out dosages and has recently been tested for withdrawal from addictive substances and dental anaesthetics in some dental procedures with great success.
Sparklez has tested it with Ivermectin, Nattokinase and Lasix and has seen clear indications that these substances transfer the drug or supplement being worn in the NutraVial cylinder, to the user. For example, with Lasix, the user experiences the diuretic effects within 10 minutes and swelling rapidly goes down.
I know a number of our community have also been conducting their own testing with our geoFusion green laser and our other products.
At Trivortex we endeavour to help and keep as many people as healthy as possible and we would be incredibly grateful for your feedback on other uses, the protocols for those uses or just feedback on our products so we can continue to improve for you.
Some before and after geoFusion Green Laser pics to share from Sparklez
(Please drop us a line if you want to contact her and we will pass the message on.)
Red blood cells clumped, crenated and suffering severe oxidative stress. Much hydrogel evident.
POST 20 MINS GREEN LASER – Noticeable improvement with more free flowing red blood cells.
Densely clumped red blood cells, dense fibrin-like matted fibres, many graphene ribbons.
Many clumped, dying, deformed and crenated red blood cells. Blood full of self assembling particles visible in plasma and within red blood cells themselves.
POST 4 weeks after 15 minutes daily of green laser – noticeable improvement with more free flowing vibrant and healthy red blood cells. No visible self assembling particles visible. Plasma mostly clear.
Kind Regards
Rob Caruso
M: 0417770855